Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fun Fruit Cups

It's no secret that I have a thing for chocolate. It is also no secret that I crave fruit. When other people wanted pickles and icecream during their pregnancies, I was sending my husband out for midnight watermelon and strawberry runs! That was fun for him during the winter! ;)

Anyway, why not combine the two into a fun treat for the kids (and mamas too)!

First gather all your materials. You'll need candy melts, waffle bowls, and sprinkles.

Follow the directions on the candy melt package and then dip your waffle bowl in the melted chocolate. While its still wet, sprinkle away--the more srpinkles the better! The candy melt will usually harden in 10-15 minutes, but if you need it sooner, then pop them in the fridge.

There you have it! The prettiest fruit cups in the land!

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